
Ten Year Old Girl Pat Down by TSA for Two Minutes
Ten Year Old Girl Pat Down by TSA for Two Minutes
Ten Year Old Girl Pat Down by TSA for Two Minutes
As a 10 year old girl, going through security at an airport and setting of an alarm can be a scary experience. I know because it happened to me the first time I ever flew. The TSA officer simply pulled me aside to show me that the way my iPod and headphones were placed in the bin was incorrect and raised suspicion...
Berkley Plane Crash
Berkley Plane Crash
Berkley Plane Crash
Authorities say a pilot was injured when a small plane crashed in Berkley. The Taunton Daily Gazette reports that the plane crashed at Myricks Airport at about 10:45 a.m. Tuesday. The plane was upright and nose first in some woods to the side of the grass airfield...