Superintendent Presents Budget Proposal To Council
The City Ccouncil's final budget hearing was dedicated to Supt. Pia Durkin's FY16 proposal Thursday night.
Durkin had cut her original proposal of $125.8 million to $120.4 million. However, Mayor Jon Mitchell cut that figure down to $118.8 million in his city budget proposal.
After a bumpy start, Durkin provided the council with a brief presentation and answered questions about where the money will be going and what services had to be cut.
Ward One Councilor Jim Oliveira says voters need to accept a tax increase in order to invest in education.
"If you want to improve things you need to make an investment," Oliveira said. "I'm willing to make that investment and I would call people to actiona and have them undestand the school system better. Like I said, let's support change, let's support our kids, and let's not support mediocrity."
Among things not included in the budget are full day Fridays and English Language Learners teachers.
Councilors will review the entire city budget Monday night and will vote on the final budget after making any cuts they deem necessary.