Search for Possible Mariner in Distress in Buzzards Bay Resumes
NEW BEDFORD - The Coast Guard has added more resources to an ongoing search for a possible mariner in distress after receiving several "mayday" calls Wednesday night.
Officials with Coast Guard Sector Southeastern New England say a mumbled male voice sent three "mayday" transmissions after 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. Sector Watchstanders were unable to establish communication and do not know the nature of the distress, description of the vessel, and number of people aboard.
Coast Guard officials tell WBSM News they have not received any correlating missing persons or overdue boaters reports.
The Coast Guard and Buzzards Bay Task Force began searching for the source of the call Wednesday night, deploying the Coast Guard Cutter Hammerhead and a 47-foot motor life boat crew from Station Menemsha. The search resumed Thursday morning, with additional help from the 87-foot Coast Guard Cutter Shrike and a fixed wing search aircraft from Air Station Cape Cod.