Peter J. Sylvia: A Very Special Man Is Called Home
Peter Joseph Sylvia passed quietly on Tuesday night. Not many noticed his passing but those of us who did will remember a life full of inspiration, of joy, of giving well beyond his understanding of all of those things and what he meant to all who knew him.
Peter was born 52 years ago with what was then termed, "mental retardation." The doctors said he was "Mongoloid," a condition now recognized as Down Syndrome. Peter was not expected to live for more than a few hours after being born that cold, March day. His hands were webbed. Surely he would not be able to function at any level. But Peter survived and at times thrived. His challenges were many and some times life, as it can do, dealt him a bad hand or two along the way. Life isn't always fair even for such a special guy. Peter learned to roll with the punches.
Peter's maturity level never surpassed that of a small child but he did attend school. He loved music, his toys, his dogs, The Wizard Of Oz, a burger from McDonald's and Chip's Ahoy Cookies. He had to have toast in the morning, always toast. But most importantly Peter loved to laugh, pull pranks and tease. Peter loved his family unconditionally with his whole heart. He was loyal but he was stubborn and headstrong and would think nothing of giving you a good poke in the ribs if you were aggravating him.
Peter never won contests or prizes or built a better mousetrap. He never debated theories or read the classics or solved puzzles but he was always there just ready and willing to give love and be loved. Strangers never felt uncomfortable around Peter for very long. He won them over and put them at ease without even really trying. He was Peter and nothing more and he was loved by all.
Peter's life was nothing special but he was so special to all who knew him. Age and deteriorating health finally caught up with Peter and 52 years after the doctors said he would not make it through the night Peter has been called home. How special it is to make such a difference in the lives of so many people without trying or even knowing it.
For those of us who knew and loved Peter we will miss him. For those who didn't I wish you had. Our world is a little less special today without him.
You can rest now Peter, your work on earth is done and you made the world better just by being you.