OPINION | Ken Pittman: Eighteen Months Wasn’t Enough Time?
An 18-month justification by Obama surrogates who were spying on President Barack Obama's preferred candidate's opponent, just wasn't enough time, apparently.
The past administration made no bones about their deep desire to see Hillary Clinton win and protect Obama's legacy. They are now making unavoidable admissions of their wildly unusual, likely illegal abuse of Justice Department and the CIA's foreign spying powers.
As tightly choreographed as a Blue Angels formation, the New York Times and Washington Post each came out yesterday with both irresponsible and hard to believe headlines. the New York Times "reported" this to their readers yesterday: "F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims."
Now who the hell do these NYT reporters think they are? How on earth do they report to the public as fact, that the FBI used an informant to investigate, and not spy? The correct and only way they should have responsibly printed the headline would have been: "The F.B.I Says They Didn't Spy But Used An Informant To Investigate Russian Ties To Campaign."
Instead, the article begins by assuring the reader that it is safe to trust one side of this amazing battle of information between Trump's White House and Obama's Department of Justice, his CIA Director John Brennan and and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.
Why would the New York Times presume to know, when they are supposed to have just realized that an admission just now reversed was made by these people?
Yesterday's Washington Post came out with a similar story from a columnist's perspective: "The FBI didn’t use an informant to go after Trump. They used one to protect him."
Oh, so the investigation for the last year and a half has led the world to believe that the FBI, and then Mueller's team, was trying to prove that Donald Trump had colluded with Russians to manipulate the outcome of the presidential elections, and now all they can say is, it was in Trump's interest?
These unavoidable admissions by the past administration's leaders are only the beginning of this new development. President Trump is ordering the Justice Department to hand over to Congress all documents justifying the reasons the FBI put an agent into the Trump campaign and to rule out that it wasn't to help the Clinton campaign.
Ken Pittman is the host of The Ken Pittman Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. Contact him at talkerkenpittman@gmail.com and follow him on Twitter @RadioKenPittman. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.