The Massachusetts House voted this week to reject an amendment to the FY17 budget that would have denied local aid to sanctuary cities.  The vote was strictly along party lines with New Bedford Democrats Robert Kozcera and Tony Cabral voting against the amendment.  Republican Keiko Orrall voted in favor of the amendment as did Taunton Republican Shuanna O'Connell.

Cambridge, Somerville, Orleans and Chelsea currently offer sanctuary to illegal aliens, many of whom are wanted criminals in their home countries as well as here in the United States.   To breach the sovereignty of this nation by crossing the border illegally is in itself a concern but many of these intruders have criminal backgrounds that make them  threat to our citizens.  Massachusetts has become a magnet to them.

Sanctuary cities offer protection to these aliens and police are prohibited from sharing information about them with federal authorities including ICE.  Many are afforded housing, health care and education benefits at the expense of the Massachusetts taxpayer.

Members of the area delegation who voted against stripping these sanctuary cities of state aid owe their constituents an explanation and I for one am looking forward to hearing it.

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