MSBA Wants To Collaborate On Westport Middle School Study
The Massachusetts School Building Authority recently announced that the Town of Wesport was invited to collaborate on a Feasibility Study that will discuss ways to address problems with the current Westport Middle School building.
Authority Chair and State Treasurer Deborah Goldberg and MSBA Executive Director Jack McCarthy made the announcement on Thursday and say that the study will allow them to look at all available options and make the best choice possible.
“This Feasibility Study will carefully examine all potential solutions to help us develop the most cost effective plan,” said Treasurer Goldberg. “We look forward to our continued partnership with the District to move this potential project forward.”
“Our partnership with local officials in Westport will ensure the best solution for the Town’s middle school students,” stated Executive Director McCarthy.
The school was built in 1970 and officials with the district has identified many problems with the 115,592 square foot facility's major building systems including mechanical and electrical.
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