Keep Bikes Off the Harbor Walks [OPINION]
The Harbor Walk project is one of the best examples of addressing quality of life issues that make living in the city enjoyable. For that, the Mitchell Administration can take a much-deserved bow.
The Harbor Walks are terrific, and while I am partial to the West Rodney French and Cove Road walkway, my wife and I frequently enjoy the view from both sides of the peninsula. Our walks are often combined with a visit to Fort Taber Park and to Clark's Point Creamery for some ice cream.
I do have a problem. Well, maybe two problems.
First, why are bikes allowed on the Harbor Walk?
Too often I find myself having to dodge bikes coming at me or from behind. I understand that bikes are permitted on the walkways, but I wish they were not. They are walkways, not bikeways. We spent a fortune painting lines on the streets below to create bike lanes. Keep the bikes off the walkways and on the streets.
The second issue I have is with people who fail to pick up doggie droppings deposited on the walkway by their pups. Come on! Perhaps there could be signs posted reminding folks to clean up after their pets, and maybe a trash can here or there where the waste can be disposed of.
The Harbor Walks are a clever way of turning an eyesore into a jewel for the community. But bicycles belong on the streets and the walkways free of dog poop.
Am I alone in believing that bikes on the Harbor Walks create a hazard for walkers? What say you? Sound off on our WBSM Facebook page.
Barry Richard is the host of The Barry Richard Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from noon to 3 p.m. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @BarryJRichard58. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.