Brrrr,  baby it's cold outside. My husband and I have owned our home for over three years and this is our 4th winter putting money towards oil.  We live in a modest size home, cape style just under 1400 sq. feet.

rigbyfab4, Flickr
rigbyfab4, Flickr

New England winters are no surprise to us. But, after three years of spending 3 to 4 times what people with natural gas were paying for heat every winter, we decided to look into some options.  First , there are no gas lines to our neighborhood so oil is really our only option. Secondly, we called the Mass Save program to get an assessment of our home. We were able to get full insulation done. They also recommended a new boiler, but even a brand new one would put us at 85% efficiency as opposed to natural gas furnaces that can get you to around 95%.

We decided to call the Local Experts at Acushnet Alternative Heating. In November we had them install a pellet stove. So far, 100 gallons has lasted us more than 2 months and we still have a 1/4 tank of oil. The wood pellets are much more cost efficient and the best part is, our house is actually warm. We used to go through 100 gallons per month keeping the thermostat at a whopping average of 60 degrees.  Occasionally we'd splurge and get to 64, but only on Christmas and birthdays. I used to walk around my house in a parka.

If you've already got an efficient heating system, kudos to you! But if you're in the predicament that we were in, with not a whole lot of options, alternative sources for energy can be a huge money saver.  Our cost for the pellet stove will pay for itself in one year of savings.  Want info about your home heating options? Click here for info from our heating experts.

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