Feel Good Moment: Officers Donate Overtime Pay to Yarmouth Police
The officers worked traffic and parking detail at Sergeant Sean Gannon's wake and funeral.
The Harwich Police Department just sent a letter to the Yarmouth Police Department.
"Yarmouth Police Foundation,
On behalf of the men and women of the Harwich Police Department, we would like to express our deepest condolences in the tragic loss of Sergeant Sean Gannon. As an appreciation of Sean's life and his time served with the Yarmouth Police Department, we would like to donate the money we made working the traffic and parking details during the wake and funeral to your foundation in honor of Sergeant Sean Gannon."
The letter was signed by the fourteen officers who contributed their pay to the donation. The $3,500 check was included.
The Yarmouth Police Department shared a photo of the letter and the check on their Facebook page with a post: "FOR SEAN. THANK YOU HARWICH PD!!! $3,500 DONATION TO YARMOUTH POLICE FOUNDATION!"