The town of Fairhaven has released plans for a sendoff parade for the defending Division 6 Football champions Wednesday night.  The Fairhaven Blue Devils are scheduled to kickoff against the Hudson Hawks Wednesday night at 8.  Buses will pull out of the Castle on the Hill's parking lot promptly at 5:00 PM.

Fairhaven Police and Fairhaven Fire Departments are asking residents and fans to line the streets to send the boys off.  Sirens will be blazing and blue and red lights will be flashing as they lead the procession.  Luxury coach buses will take a left out of Fairhaven High School's parking lot, then follow Route 6 up to the intersection of Route 240, which will lead them onto 195 and the ride up to Foxboro.

"Line the route and cheer on the team as they go to repeat as state champs!" wrote the Fairhaven Police Department.

For most of the team, this will be the biggest football game of their lives.  This team has a chance to do something that has never been done in Fairhaven football history:  back to back state championships.

The game should be a competitive one, featuring two of the state's most talented runners:  running back Justin Marques for the Blue Devils and quarterback Jake Attaway for the Hawks.  Marques is looking to build upon his record breaking career stats for touchdowns scored as a high school player in Massachusetts.  No other Massachusetts high school player has ever scored more in the history of football.  Let that sink in.

Attaway is seeking revenge for Fairhaven denying his team a chance at last season's Super Bowl.


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