Drain the Fall River Swamp: Steve Camara Must Go Too [OPINION]
Enough is enough! Can we put the Fall River vote into receivership? What are you guys doing over there? I know a buttload of Fall River people, and they are good and decent and smart. So who is keeping these (alleged) derelicts in office?
The Doogie Howser of mayors, Jasiel Correia, has gotten himself pinched for the second time in a year by the feds and this time for crimes that will make even the great Kevin Reddington think about retiring.
I'm starting to wonder: who was the one really in danger on the Fall River waterfront when then-City Councilor Jasiel Correia claimed then-Mayor Will Flanagan flashed a gun to intimidate him? I'm now convinced that maybe Flanagan escaped with his life!
So clearly, Jasiel has shamed the city once again with a sensational arrest and indictment that suggests the somehow still seated and disgraced mayor was involved in a low-brow "smash n' grab." The 41-page indictment tells of a tireless extortionist and despot. Last time it was cars and strippers, this time it's Batman Rolex watches.
But what about one of his greatest enablers, who is building up his own resumé to get his butt kicked out of office?
City Councilor Steven A. Camara has become part of the Fall River 'swamp." He is clearly identifying as a person who should be targeted for recall or voted out, whichever can come faster.
It was his dissenting vote and voice that helped Fall River to have to suffer another 10 months under Correia, the imbecile who, if the feds are right is too stupid to be a criminal despite his "alleged" crime wave. In November of 2018, Camara voted that he did have confidence that Mayor Correia could lead the city, even after the 50-megaton federal indictment was strapped around his neck.
Buddy Cianci was smart enough to get away with it for decades, but Jasiel? It takes him an hour-and-a-half to watch 60 Minutes! He "allegedly" bounced around the city like a Woody Woodpecker/Tony Soprano hybrid. "Oohh what's that?! A Batman Rolex?! Don't mind if I do.....I was looking for one of these but Casio stopped making them. Stevie, get the car."
Getting back to Camara, the "alleged" public servant was reported by Fall River Police to have tipped off his tenants at his properties on Pine and Purchase Streets of a weeks-long drug investigation.
Camara told the Fall River Herald News that it was all a big misunderstanding and that the cops got the information wrong – allegedly.
Drain the swamp. Camara must also go! Clean house. The city deserves better than this. His own apartments are "High Nuisance Properties," according to the Fall River Police Special Operations Division.
Camara went out of his way to protect an alleged one-man crime wave in Jasiel (Doogie) Correia, crying about an expensive process to cut the cancer of a mayor out of office. How the heck is Camara going to fix your neighborhood when he is so very clearly incapable of fixing problems on his own problematic property, according to your own police?
Ken Pittman is the host of The Ken Pittman Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. Contact him at ken.pittman@