Does Mendes Deserve A Chance To Coach?
Local H.E.A.R.T. gym owner, Sharik Mendes, 39, facing federal heroin distribution charges relating to a heroin distribution scheme, could be allowed to coach city youth with the condition that parents are informed of his circumstances. According to a Mike Lawrence Standard Times story, the defendant has a desire to assist youth and high school athletes.
On a personal note, I have known the side of Sharik that is a mentor to troubled kids and the side that has done a lot of positive teaching during his crime free years. In fact, I thought Sharik was past that era of his earlier crime riddled life and turned the leaf over for the better. When I found out the disturbing news that he sold heroin at H.E.A.R.T. gym and according to DEA officials, supplied a prolific local heroin dealer and was a large scale distributor of heroin in New Bedford, my heart dropped. I agonized over this regrettable news because I thought he was passed this and had dedicating himself to a life of deliverance. As a person in recovery, it's my nature to look at people in a non-conventional way and to give them a second chance, just like I was given.
That said, the questions and facts surrounding this controversial and conditional OK by federal Magistrate Judge M. Page Kelley, I don't support that Sharik should either put the kids, the league or himself in an afflictive situation. The best remedy here is for Sharik to focus on his own personal challenges and leave the coaching to others.