DNRT Introduces a New Hiking Trail for You to Explore
There’s a new reserve in town, people. According to Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust, “DNRT acquired the Dike Creek Reserve in August 2019 as part of a successful partnership with the Buzzards Bay Coalition that conserved the 128-acre ‘Apponagansett Bay Farm.’ This 77-acre reserve has 1,700 feet of frontage on Dike Creek Marsh, which is fed by Dike Creek, a saltwater creek system that flows to Apponagansett Bay. The property contains approximately 7.4 acres of salt marsh, 21 acres of forested swamp, an 8-acre agricultural field, two streams, and wooded uplands. The property also contains two vernal pools. Approximately 2 miles of trails traverse the property.”
Dike Creek Reserve is located on Bakerville Road. Click HERE for a PDF File of the Trail Map. Trailhead starts at the parking lot.
“Listen for the sound of wood frogs and spring peepers chorusing in the wetlands along the White Trail in early spring. From the edge of the salt marsh on the Yellow Trail look for ospreys and willets in the summer. Check the agricultural field along the Red Trail for hawks hunting prey and listen for the hoot of the barred owl. Note the large boulder on the Blue Trail known as Table Rock - a remnant of the last Ice Age. The vineyard abutting the Dike Creek Reserve is privately owned; please be respectful of our neighbor and remain on DNRT property.”
Please note that there is no horseback riding or bicycles on the reserve.