Reaction is coming in from local law enforcement officials following the deadly shootings in Dallas.

Some, like Bristol County Sheriff Tom Hodgson, say some blame lies with President Barack Obama and some members of congress who have made statements following police shootings that have generated hatred against law enforcement.

"Look at these different situations that have happened, they pre-empted the investigations and went out there and spewed their political rhetoric for their own political gain as opposed to really looking at a good solution for this country and really helping people to unify," said Hodgson.

However, Larry Ellison, President of the Massachusetts Association of Minority Law Enforcement Officers, disagrees telling WBSM's Brian Thomas that many of those statements are an acknowledgement that there are many people who feel they are treated unfairly by the American criminal justice system.

"You're connecting with the communities that most of us, that look like us, have come from and we understand their frustrations, because, guess what, I experience that as a Black police officer pretty much on a daily basis that if I get in trouble, something happens to me, I will not be treated fairly," said Ellison.

Many law enforcement agencies, including the New Bedford Police Department, have urged their officers to remain vigilant in the wake of the shootings.

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