Dartmouth Police Ask for Help in Stolen Ring Case
The Dartmouth Police Department posted about a thief on Wednesday morning:
"Calling all cAHs...Calling all cAHs! Ain't love grand? DPD is getting down on bended knee as we ask for your help identifying this Romeo, who stole a ring today from Macy's.
Though we endorse love just as much as the next guy, we would hate for Juliet to unknowingly slip a hot piece of jewelry on her finger during such a momentous occasion in her life.
Anyone who can help us identify this male is encouraged to either send us a private message or call Detective Kyle Costa at 508-910-1755."
"Romeo," as he is affectionately referred to, stole a half-carat gold and diamond pavé ring. It is valued at $250.
First of all, whoever took this photo gets an A+ for clarity. Makes it a thousand times easier to find the thief.
Second, not really sure if this guy took the ring with plans to give it to anyone special, but I'd be mortified if I found out that the ring given to me to mark the next chapter of our lives was STOLEN.
Listen, my boyfriend and I just celebrated six years together. We get a LOT of jokes about when we're finally going to get hitched. Honestly, no matter how much I may want to get engaged, I don't want a ring badly enough to justify a stolen rock.
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