Bristol County Is Partly Responsible for Biden Mess [OPINION]
Massachusetts voters turned out big time for Joe Biden in last year's presidential election. Feel free to claim responsibility for your share of this hot mess.
According to the 2020 election results posted by Secretary of State Bill Galvin, roughly 2.4 million people, or 65.6 percent of Massachusetts voters who cast a ballot last November, cast it for Biden. Another 1.2 million, or 32.1 percent of voters, who participated in the election voted for Donald J. Trump. In Bristol County, it was a bit closer but still a nod to Biden. Biden grabbed 54.9 percent of the vote here, while Trump took 42.9 percent.
Breaking it down even further, Biden won most of the communities in the WBSM listening area, including some in Plymouth County. Trump carried Acushnet, Berkley, Freetown, Lakeville, and Rochester. Biden won Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Fall River, Mattapoisett, Marion, New Bedford, Taunton, Wareham, and Westport. I've included links to Gavin's page so you can have a more in-depth look at actual numbers by each community.
I received oodles of phone calls on my program from people planning to vote for Biden last year. Not many praised Biden's abilities. The most common reason SouthCoasters told me they were voting for Biden was that he wasn't Trump. I don't get many calls from those people these days.
In fact, I get few calls at all from people with much good to say about the job Biden has done for the last seven months. Afghanistan, open borders, stripping America of its energy independence, inflation, soaring deficits – just some of the many reasons to be unhappy with this administration.
Biden has turned out to be everything and more than I warned he would be. The problem is there is little we can do about it for the next three and a half years.
To those of you who contributed to the mess by voting for Biden, it's time to own up to your mistake and take your share of the credit for this disaster. I'll await your calls.
Barry Richard is the host of The Barry Richard Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from noon to 3 p.m. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @BarryJRichard58. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.