Around Town with Phil: Open Casting Call For Film Shooting on SouthCoast
"They're gonna put me in the movies,
They're gonna make a big star out of me
We'll make a film about a man that's sad and lonely
And all I gotta do is act naturally!" -- The Beatles, "Act Naturally"
Here's an exciting opportunity to be in a premiere independent film that's going to be shot on location right here on the SouthCoast! And many of the roles are scouting for Cape Verdean children and adults.
This is an open casting call and no acting experience is necessary!
A team of dedicated NYU graduate film students, led by Sundance Award-winning director Alexandre Rockwell, is conducting a search for New Bedford/Fall River area citizens interested in speaking parts in an upcoming movie to be filmed in New Bedford and the surrounding areas.
Rockwell will be appearing on The Phil Paleologos Show on Wednesday, April 25 at 9:30 am to discuss details of the film.
They are primarily looking for a young man (14 to 15 years old) to play one of the leads.
Below is a complete breakdown of the roles they are casting during the open call:
• Malik: 14-16 year old African-American boy. Bright, energetic. A real individual who does not follow the pack. No acting experience preferred.
• Owen: 75-90 year old man. Kind and gentle. A wise old man with a big heart.
• Louise: 75-85 year old African-American woman who is warm and strong.
• Pete: Father’s friend 40-60 years old. A Salvation Army Santa Claus who won’t refuse a drink. Full of character. From New Bedford.
• Manny: A spare tire guy with a thick accent from the Cape Verdean Islands. Speaks Portuguese.
• Kids: Group of kids 8-14 years old from the New Bedford/Fall River area. Cape Verdean of all sizes and shapes.
The open casting call for kids will be held on Saturday, May 5 from 2 p.m. - 8 p.m., and the open call for the remaining roles will take place Sunday May 6 from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Both open calls will be held at Dennison Memorial Community Center at 755 S 1st Street in New Bedford.
Haley Anderson is the contact person at (512) 633-2816, or email strangefruitmovie2018@gmail.com.
Around Town with Phil is brought to you by Flagship Insurance.
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