10-Year-Old Trey’von Could Use a Home with an Adult Male Role Model
Trey'von is a playful 10-year-old boy.
When he meets someone new, he may initially come off as a bit shy, but he quickly sheds the shyness for affection once he becomes comfortable with people.
Trey'von's Interests
He loves playing outside with his toys and is easily engaged. He enjoys playing age-appropriate games, watching movies and coloring. He does extremely well in a structured environment with clear and consistent boundaries, both at home and in school.
His two favorite parts of going to school are learning math and music.
Male Role Model Needed
Trey'von's adoption social worker has been helping him for years. She believes that he could really benefit from a male role model in his new family. Most of the foster families Trey'von has been placed with so far have been led by single women.
"I think he definitely needs a male figure in his life," says Tammy Merritt. "He's really longing for some type of connection with an adult male who is patient and structured, but won't let him get away with things."
Trey'von is legally freed for adoption and can be placed in any type of family with or without other children. Trey'von has bi-monthly visits with his birth mother until an adoption is finalized, then the visits will decrease to two visits per year.
Trey'von will also need to maintain three visits per year with his sibling.
Who Can Adopt?
If you’re at least 18 years old, have a stable source of income, and have room in your heart, you may be a perfect match to adopt a waiting child. Adoptive parents can be single, married or partnered; experienced or not; renters or homeowners; LGBTQ+ singles and couples. As an adoptive parent, you won’t have to pay any fees. Adoption from foster care is completely free in Massachusetts.
The process to adopt a child from foster care includes training, interviews and home visits to determine if adoption is right for you. These steps will help match you with a child or sibling group that your family will fit well with.
To learn more about adoption from foster care, call the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE) at (617) 964-6273 or visit www.mareinc.org. Start the process today and give a waiting child a permanent place to call home.
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