Wojnar Not Seeking Re-election As Acushnet Selectman
Acushnet Selectman David Wojnar says he will not seek re-election next year.
Wojnar is currently in his sixth term as selectman, the longest serving member in town history, and says he wants to focus more on his family and private endeavors.
Wojnar tells WBSM News he will continue with the same hard work he's always put in through the end of his term. "I've got another year ahead of me. I look forward to putting as much time, energy, and vigor into completing the job as I did when I first started. It's been an incredible professiona experience and I'm very thankful for that," Wojnar said.
Wojnar says over the last 17 years he's been a selectman, town government has transitioned to an administrator run operation, fire and EMS services merged, and schools, the golf course, and other infrastructures have been improved.
Wojnar says he's announcing his intentions now to give any potential candidates ample time to prepare.