Westport High Coach Reinstated After Investigation Finds No Wrongdoing
WESTPORT — A Westport High School coach that was placed on administrative leave after allegedly using “racially insensitive” language has been reinstated.
In a release issued today, Superintendent Gary Reese reports that the coach “has been reinstated following the conclusion of an investigation into an allegation of racially insensitive language.”
The coach had been placed on paid administrative leave after Reese had been informed of the alleged incident on Friday, Dec. 13, in which the coach was alleged to have made a racially insensitive remark towards a player.
Today’s release states “the matter is considered resolved” and that “Superintendent Reese is satisfied with the results of the investigation and the coach will be reinstated immediately.”
The release also states that because it is a personnel matter where no wrongdoing was found, no further information is being released at this time.