WBSM TV: Rep. Keating on Kushner, North Korea Summit
U.S. Representative William Keating (D-MA) made his weekly appearance on WBSM Thursday morning, touching on a number of topics in a quick discussion between congressional votes.
Keating, who has long had concerns regarding President Trump's son-in-law and key advisor Jared Kushner, expressed concern that the White House had fully reinstated Kushner's security clearance, despite his dealings with foreign entities while attempting to get loads to cover $1.2 billion in personal debt, and having some of those meetings in the White House.
"The White House has the last call on this, so we may or many not ever know how much was there," Keating said. "They just say, 'go ahead with this' and give him the clearance anyway."
Keating said although there are still questions marks, he's sure Kushner is glad it's over, but the congressman warned it may not be over.
"We'll hear more about Jared Kushner," he said.
Keating also talked about the complete 180 the Trump Administration took on the planned summit with North Korea in a matter of just 24 hours.
"Just yesterday, when (the House Foreign Affairs Committee) questioned (Secretary of State Mike Pompeo) about the North Korea summit in June, he told the committee everything was on pace, that they were all set for the June 12th summit. So that was the news he delivered yesterday," Keating said. "Then an hour or so ago, there's a release that the White House is calling it off. So that's a quick turnaround from yesterday."
Keating also read a bit of President Trump's letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un regarding the decision to cancel the summit.
The congressman also talked about his legislation to eliminate barriers for doctors to prescribe Narcan and other drugs for people who are also getting opioid prescriptions for chronic pain or terminal illness.