Upcoming Meetings The Key For Acushnet LNG Opponents
A local group continued their fight against a proposed 6.8 million cubic foot LNG facility in Acushnet.
On Wednesday night, South Coast Neighbors United held a public forum at the Acushnet VFW to inform locals about the proposed Access Northeast Project located on Peckham Rd, which is lead by energy companies Spectra, Eversource, and National Grid.
South Coast Neighbors United Member Roger Cabral asked residents to fill the seats at upcoming hearings held by government regulation groups. Cabral says every local representative from City Council members to town Selectmen should be speak out, too.
"We need to be involved. We need to make sure that if this is going to happen that it happens the way we want it to happen, but if we can block it, we want to block it," Cabral tells WBSM News.
The hearings will occur on May 12 and May 19 at 7 PM at the Ford Middle School in Acushnet.
The May 12 meeting will be held by the Massachusetts Energy Facility Siting Board, while the May 19 meeting will be coordinated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC.
The two meetings will give locals one of their only chances to be heard on the project.
While Cabral says just being there to support the anti-LNG cause will help, he also urged people to speak at the hearings.
The regulation groups will be looking for suggestions and concerns for the project's environmental impact report, but Cabral says a simple "I don't like it" will do, as the opponents of LNG take a 'death by a thousand cuts' approach.
Activist Cathy Kristofferson has fought against Massachusetts LNG projects in the past, and won.
Kristofferson, who grew up in East Freetown, says it won't be an easy process, but the upcoming meetings are Acushnet's best bet against the massive facility.
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