The Real Life Story Behind ’12 Strong’ at UMass Dartmouth
I was in Mrs. Winsper’s fourth-grade class at DeMello School when 9/11 happened. Just nine-years-old, and I knew that our country was under attack that morning. But, being so young, I didn’t understand everything that happened next. I think that’s one of the reasons I enjoy watching movies like this one that was just released a couple weeks ago. I learn something about real events, all within a couple hours at the movie theater. A mini history lesson, if you will.
“12 Strong,” tells the story of 12 Green Beret soldiers who teamed with Afghan General Dostum to fight the Taliban in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. On Tuesday, Jan. 30, at 7 PM, UMass Dartmouth will host "The Real Life Story behind 12 Strong," a FREE event in the Claire T. Carney Library. Prof. Brian Glyn Williams, who wrote "The Last Warlord about General Dostum" and was an advisor on the movie, will be joined by Batur Dostum, son of the warlord. Gen. Dostum is currently vice president of Afghanistan. They will discuss the film and the war on the Taliban.
I have not seen the movie yet, but I may just find myself buying a ticket soon.