veterans day

New Bedford Veterans Day Parade Gets New Life
New Bedford Veterans Day Parade Gets New Life
New Bedford Veterans Day Parade Gets New Life
A memorable day as new life was breathed into New Bedford's Veterans Day Parade. With several area marching bands, hundreds of local veterans, and even more spectators, Mayor Jon Mitchell best summed it up. Monday's keynote speaker, WWII veteran Matthew Goulet recalled his experiences at Iwo Jima and other battles...
President Obama Pays Tribute To Military Veterans
President Obama Pays Tribute To Military Veterans
President Obama Pays Tribute To Military Veterans
President Obama is paying tribute to America's military veterans. At Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day, the President said the nation comes together to honor a debt that can never be fully repaid. He praised American veterans of all foreign wars, including members of the "9-11 generation" who have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. Oba...
Veteran's Day Parade
Veteran's Day Parade
Veteran's Day Parade
Veteran's Day is Monday and if you're looking for a way to honor our veterans, you can check out the New Bedford Parade. The annual Parade will begin at 11am Monday at Buttonwood Park. It will form at Rockdale Ave and Union Street. The parade will go down Union Street to Pleasant St, take a left and go to the downtown library...
Southcoast Veterans Day Events
Southcoast Veterans Day Events
Southcoast Veterans Day Events
Veterans Day is Sunday and the Southcoast is coming out in full to honor the men and women who have served in our country's armed forces. The Fairhaven Improvement Association and the Fairhaven VFW is hosting a Veterans Day Dinner Dance at the VFW on Middle Street in the town from 7-11pm November 10th...