Nellie Zygiel, a Fairhaven resident and a UMass Amherst student, is determined to find a kidney donor to avoid the lengthy wait for a match and dialysis.
It’s no secret the cost of college tuition is astronomical, but extra fees – even at publicly funded schools like UMass – can make that tuition cost seem small.
Mount Ida College will receive "fair value" for its assets through its proposed acquisition by UMass Amherst, according to Attorney General Maura Healey.
As Mount Ida College is absorbed into the UMass system, all of its students will granted automatic admission to UMass Dartmouth, it was announced Friday.
With its Amherst campus filled with students who just returned from Thanksgiving break, University of Massachusetts officials on Tuesday said they are treating two cases of meningitis as an outbreak.
How does it make you feel, learning that the UMASS system is expanding, holding billions of dollars in assets, are providing out of state tuition breaks with your tax dollars. About $22 million, according to the Pioneer Institute's Greg Sullivan...