The Litmus Test for Vice President [OPINION]The Litmus Test for Vice President [OPINION]It's not about getting the most qualified candidate. It's about getting a candidate who is the right gender and skin color. Barry RichardBarry Richard
New Job For Kerry?New Job For Kerry?Massachusetts voters could be looking at yet another special Senate election now that Sen. John Kerry is seen as a lead contender for Secretary of State.Jim PhillipsJim Phillips
Is The Republican Party Playing The Race Card?Is The Republican Party Playing The Race Card?MSNBC is suggesting that GOP dissatisfaction with the potential appointment of Ambassador Susan Rice is racially motivated!Phil PaleologosPhil Paleologos
Post Election Press ConferencePost Election Press ConferencePresident Obama held his first post election press conference, and questions about who he might appoint to his cabinet came up.BJ RagoneBJ Ragone