Democrats Put Politics Ahead of Coronavirus Relief [OPINION]Democrats Put Politics Ahead of Coronavirus Relief [OPINION]Nancy Pelosi was on vacation while Americans were suffering from the coronavirus.Barry RichardBarry Richard
U.S. Response Outperforms 'Model' Universal Healthcare [OPINION]U.S. Response Outperforms 'Model' Universal Healthcare [OPINION]Since the COVID-19 outbreak, we have had an up-close look at how individual nations are dealing with the coronavirus and surprising revelations have been found.Ken PittmanKen Pittman
Imagine If Trump Hesitated on Pentagon Warning? [OPINION]Imagine If Trump Hesitated on Pentagon Warning? [OPINION]What should the president have done? You tell me.Ken PittmanKen Pittman
Enough Already with This Impeachment Talk [OPINION]Enough Already with This Impeachment Talk [OPINION]For the love of Pete, knock it off. Legislate. Do your jobs.Barry RichardBarry Richard
The Real Haters Are on the Left [OPINION]The Real Haters Are on the Left [OPINION]Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer need to bring their goons under control.Barry RichardBarry Richard
Trump Haters Are Spelling J-E-R-K Incorrectly [OPINION]Trump Haters Are Spelling J-E-R-K Incorrectly [OPINION]The word 'racist' is being abused by Trump haters. The adult minority community should object before the word becomes meaningless.Ken PittmanKen Pittman
Democrats Flip on Border Crisis [OPINION]Democrats Flip on Border Crisis [OPINION]Democrats need to tread lightly on the border issue.Barry RichardBarry Richard
Trump's SOTU Speech Hits the Base and Beyond [OPINION]Trump's SOTU Speech Hits the Base and Beyond [OPINION]President Trump receives high marks for State of the Union speech.Barry RichardBarry Richard
How Donald, Chuck and Nancy Can All Claim Victory [OPINION]How Donald, Chuck and Nancy Can All Claim Victory [OPINION]A common sense solution to once and for all enact a plan to thwart unfettered and illegal access to America by migrants and human traffickers.Ken PittmanKen Pittman
GOP Will Cease to Exist If It Caves on the Wall [OPINION]GOP Will Cease to Exist If It Caves on the Wall [OPINION]The future of the Republican Party is tied to the battle for the wall.Barry RichardBarry Richard