Sen. Mark Montigny of New Bedford has filed legislation that will secure funding for the completion of the restoration of the schooner Ernestina-Morrissey.
Rep. Cabral helped secure a $75,000 emergency grant following unforeseen construction issues involving the First Baptist Church’s steeple in New Bedford.
Together with hundreds of private tree and line crews, Eversource employees have converged on Southeastern Massachusetts, with the goal of substantially completing the restoration effort by Tuesday evening.
There's some good news for a local history project that's been announced. The New Bedford Port Society and New Bedford Whaling Museum have entered into an agreement that leases the ground floor of the Port Society-owned Mariners' Home to the Museum for the display of Museum artifacts related to local maritime history...
There's more information about the future of the Butler Flats Lighthouse in New Bedford's outer harbor.
Waterfront observer and historian M-L Baron of Fairhaven tells WBSM's Tim Weisberg,, he's been told that the 118-year old lighthouse will be converted into a bed-and-breakfast establishment...
Dozens of Fairhaven residents expressed their concerns one final time before casting a vote in regards to the sale of the historic Oxford School building to a development company.