
 Cleanup Plan Questioned
Cleanup Plan Questioned
Cleanup Plan Questioned
The Hands Across The River Coalition has had no luck convincing the EPA's Regional Office to abandon its plans to bury pcb's in New Bedford Harbor. So now, the Coalition is taking its complaints to Washington. Current E-P-A plans call for the burying of toxic pcb's in so-called unlined holes or cad cells close to the Fairhaven shoreline...
Resolve - 35 Years Later
Resolve - 35 Years Later
Resolve - 35 Years Later
The Environmental Protection Agency is touting the technology being used at a 35 year old hazardous waste site in Dartmouth as a process that can work at sites around the nation. E-P-A representatives and its partners toured the Resolve site on North Hixville Road on Monday and celebrated the ongoing cleanup using technology called Anaerobic Bioreactors...

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