
Move the Elephants?
Move the Elephants?
Move the Elephants?
It's an ongoing debate. Should elephants Emily and Ruth remain at the Buttonwood Park Zoo, or live out the rest of their lives at an out-of-state elephant sanctuary? Local resident Joyce Rowley has started a campaign collecting signatures to get the question on next year's ballot...
New Bedford Zoo Named 5th Worst for Elephants
New Bedford Zoo Named 5th Worst for Elephants
New Bedford Zoo Named 5th Worst for Elephants
The Buttonwood Park Zoo is once again labeled one of the worst exhibits in the country for elephants. The In Defense of Animals 2012 list of ten worst zoos for elephants places New Bedford's zoo at number five on the list. Nicole Meyer, Director of IDA's Elephant Protection Campaign tells WBSM News during the winter months, the elephants are stuck inside and don't get the exercise they need to sta