Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative [OPINION]Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative [OPINION]The press speaks to us from the dark side of things where hope and optimism don't exist.Barry RichardBarry Richard
Naming a Disease After Place of Origin Is Now Racist? [OPINION]Naming a Disease After Place of Origin Is Now Racist? [OPINION]The ridiculousness of feigned outrage over the long-standing practice of naming a disease after where its discovered is the latest exhibit of lefty lunacy.Ken PittmanKen Pittman
We're in a Crisis But the Press Is Stuck on Stupid [OPINION]We're in a Crisis But the Press Is Stuck on Stupid [OPINION]Viruses have long been named after their place of origin. But Trump wasn't president then.Barry RichardBarry Richard
Saying 'Chinese Virus' Isn't Racist [PHIL-OSOPHY]Saying 'Chinese Virus' Isn't Racist [PHIL-OSOPHY]Naming diseases after the places they originate is nothing new, and nothing racist.Phil PaleologosPhil Paleologos