Sakonnet Schooners Mighty Mites Cheer Squad Heading to Nationals in FloridaSakonnet Schooners Mighty Mites Cheer Squad Heading to Nationals in FloridaThe Sakonnet Schooners Mighty Mites cheer squad is heading to nationals in Florida after excelling in state and regional competitions.GazelleGazelle
Dartmouth Launches New Challenger Cheerleading Team for Athletes with DisabilitiesDartmouth Launches New Challenger Cheerleading Team for Athletes with DisabilitiesThe Dartmouth Youth Football League (DYFL) is launching a new Challenger Cheerleading Team for athletes with disabilities.GazelleGazelle
Is Cheerleading More Dangerous Than Other Sports? — Sports Survey of the DayIs Cheerleading More Dangerous Than Other Sports? — Sports Survey of the DayCheerleaders may wear cute outfits and position themselves far away from any in-game action, but what they actually do can be pretty dangerous. But is it more dangerous than what the athletes they're cheering on are doing?BJ RagoneBJ Ragone