French police have released three women arrested Friday and will continue to interrogate nine others who were detained in an anti-terror sweep connected to last week's attacks in Paris that has put Europe on high alert.
Nearly 80 people gathered in Boston's Copley Square for a candlelight vigil against violence, marking one month since 150 children and teachers were killed at a school in Pakistan by Taliban gunmen.
Muslims and people of other faiths held candles Friday evening and waved signs saying ``not in my name'' and ``I stand against Shia genocide...
President Barack Obama says the U.S. and Britain will do everything in their power to help France seek justice for last week's terror attacks.
Obama spoke at a news conference Friday with British Prime Minister David Cameron.
Obama says they spent much of their time in two days of meetings talking about the fight against terrorism after the attacks in Paris that killed 17 people...
France has raised its alert to the highest level after a deadly shooting incident in central Paris that killed 12 people and is being called a terrorist attack.