The public interview process wrapped up on Monday, when the committee held its final interview with Ana Riley at Keith Middle School, and will elect the new superintendent on Wednesday.
Due to tonight's weather forecast leading to early dismissal of schools in New Bedford, Superintendent finalist Ana C. Riley's visit to New Bedford Public Schools has been rescheduled to Monday, March 26.
The our finalists presented to the School Committee earlier this month for the superintendent position will visit New Bedford Public Schools next week, spending the day in the district and visiting several schools.
Dartmouth High School's search for a new principal should be settled in the next few days. That's according to School Committee Chairman John Nunes, who addressed concerns from residents last night about Superintendent Ana Riley's departure from the district and whether that would set the search back...
Security improvements will soon be coming to Dartmouth Public Schools.
Town meeting voters Tuesday night approved a capitol needs budget that included $662,000 to upgrade school security.
The plan will pay for a web-based monitoring system where police can check out security video at local schools. I...