Summer Espionage Reading List [OPINION]
Summer is a great time to catch up on recreational reading and all of this Russia talk has me thinking about some great books on espionage in the USA.
Witness by Whitaker Chambers: This is the autobiography of a man who hated the world--and himself--and joined the Communist Party. He worked directly with members of the U.S. government, who were secret Communists, to assist the Soviet Union and harm the free world. Chambers flipped sides and helped expose the Russian espionage and influence networks inside the U.S. government. New Bedford and Fall River make an appearance in this classic book.
Seeds of Treason by Ralph de Toledano: This book lays out the case against Alger Hiss and his trial and confrontation with Whitaker Chambers. Ralph de Toledano was a tremendous journalist and he built a voluminous personal library of records on the Soviet networks in America.
Shanghai Conspiracy by Maj. General Charles A. Willoughby: This book is a classic and currently forgotten exposure of Soviet espionage. The author was Gen. MacArthur's chief of intelligence in the Far East and he documents the Sorge Spy Ring in his book.
Two books by John Barron are a must read to understand the Soviet espionage networks and operations in the Western democracies. His books KGB: The Secret Work of Soviet Secret Agents from the 1970's and KGB TODAY: The Hidden Hand from the 1980's are both masterpieces and name names of people you will recognize. Allow me to apologize in advance: Donald Trump isn't named, but some of his current opponents have curious histories with Russia.
Russia has always been interfering in American elections and public policy. Read some of these books and you will find a whole new world of mostly undiscussed history.
Chris McCarthy is the host of The Chris McCarthy Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @Chris_topher_Mc. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.