Side Effects of Electing Donald Trump [PHIL-OSOPHY]
Hello, and welcome to today's version of The "Other" Dr. Phil's Traveling Salvation Show.
I'm going to try to characterize what's happening to a portion of the American population since the election of Donald J. Trump.
I'm creating a new classification of cognitive dysfunctions connected with anger misuse. In time, I hope the National Psychological Dictionary people use my new classification that I'm calling "Distemper Psychosis," using the archaic definition for distemper that I use to illustrate an expanding class of several mental disorders that stem from outrage abuse and/or dependency.
This may explain why a Taunton woman allegedly chased down a driver and rammed his car simply because he had a Trump bumper sticker, that apparently drove the unhinged woman crazy.
In order to better understand and treat this disorder properly, I've broken the term down into related psychological jargon:
Hissy Fit Brain Syndrome
Violent Delirium with Tremors
Slow Burn Intoxication
and pertinent to this case, Bad Road Trip.
The real question is, can behavioral psychosis be cured?
It's my "medical" opinion, while Distemper Psychosis detected since the election of President Donald Trump cannot be cured, it can certainly be treated, and quite effectively. Tune in tomorrow for that important segment.
Phil Paleologos is the host of The Phil Paleologos Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @PhilPaleologos. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.