What's going on?
"River Day" Happening on June 22
The Westport River Watershed Alliance is continuing its mission to protect and preserve the watershed, now and for future generations.
Oysters and Summer Camp Highlight June-July at New Bedford FHC
The New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center will host a discussion on how oysters are grown in our region, followed by the first-ever Oysterfest on June 15.
Reviving the Gong Show at Gallery X in New Bedford
Gallery X on William Street in New Bedford is staging its own version of 'The Gong Show' on Saturday, June 8 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
New Bedford's NorthStar Early Learning Celebrating 50 Years
NorthStar Learning Center in New Bedford is 50 years old this year. It is celebrating with a new building under construction and a fundraiser event on May 31.
Kennedy-Donovan Resource Fair Highlights Programs for Children
New Bedford's Kennedy-Donovan Center is holding a resource fair on June 1 representing its myriad of programs for children and families.
Military Museum: 20 Years of Honoring Local Veterans
New Bedford's Fort Rodman-Fort Taber Military Museum and Veterans' Memorial will soon celebrate two decades of honoring local veterans.
Schwartz School in Dartmouth to Celebrate Endless Summer
Meeting Street/Schwartz School is holding its 'Endless Summer' fundraiser on June 8 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Kilburn Mill in New Bedford.
New Bedford Artists Display Work During Hatch St. Open Studios
Visitors are invited to tour artist studios, watch demonstrations, take part in workshops, enjoy live music and purchase unique gifts and fine art.
Family Fest: Learn What's Available for New Bedford Families
New Bedford Family Fest is a free event happening Saturday, May 18 from 10 a.m. to 1p.m. at the Andrea McCoy Recreation Center on Hillman Street.
Ten Days Celebrating the Arts on the SouthCoast
ArtWeek SouthCoast will feature live performances, poetry readings, workshops and painting demonstrations in New Bedford, Fall River and more.