[RICHARD] Cabral’s Effort To Assist Illegals Stymied By Voters
New Bedford's most staunch supporter of illegal immigrants has been beaten back, at least temporarily in his efforts to keep local sheriffs from working with federal immigration officials in identifying dangerous criminal illegal aliens.
State Rep. Antonio Cabral (D) New Bedford came close to passing his bill, (H 3033), through the House on Wednesday. It had the backing of Speaker Bob DeLeo and the blessing of the House Judiciary Committee Chair. It did not have member support and was withdrawn indefinitely from consideration. The Democrat majority would probably have approved of the fast track legislation in a heartbeat if only there wasn't so much damn public opposition.
Cabral's bill sought to prevent state resources from being used to execute agreements with U.S. Immigration and Customs officials to train state and local law enforcement to assist ICE with identifying incarcerated criminal illegal aliens and prevent them from being released into society. Cabral, who accepted a pay increase in December and a bigger increase in taxpayer funded stipends in January says the state cannot afford to spend tight resources for such things.
The public disagrees with Cabral and in droves let their representatives know through phone calls, letters, emails and smoke signals that this bill, seen by some as a back door to sanctuary state status for Massachusetts, was not what they wanted. The pushback must have been significant for the bill to have been withdrawn so abruptly.
There is always the chance this bill could resurface again. But, at a time when lawmakers are appreciated about as much as a bad head cold might be wise to back off on it for a bit. As liberal as Massachusetts may be there does not appear to be an overwhelming desire by the citizens to provide sanctuary to illegal immigrants, particularly those who have committed crimes against society.
As for Rep. Cabral, perhaps it's time to focus on the safety and wellbeing of the hardworking taxpayers of Massachusetts rather than the perceived rights of illegal aliens.
Editor's Note: Barry Richard is the afternoon host on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from Noon-3pm. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.