New Bedford City Councilor Tests Positive for COVID-19
NEW BEDFORD — Ward 3 City Councilor Hugh Dunn has tested positive for COVID-19.
In a statement sent to WBSM News, Dunn acknowledged that he is “one of nearly six million Americans who (have) tested positive for COVID-19.”
Dunn said he is recovering at home and hopes to test negative soon.
“Because I have been practicing social distance, and to the best of my abilities I am aware of who I have been in contact with and have notified everyone impacted and have also determined when I contracted the virus,” Dunn said. “All those who I have contacted have, thankfully, tested negative. A full recovery is my top priority at this time, and I plan on continuing to recuperate in isolation until my doctor gives me the go-ahead to return to my daily life.”
Dunn said he does not anticipate his COVID-19 diagnosis from preventing him from representing the voters of Ward 3, as city council meetings are being held remotely.
The councilor is encouraging others to be tested for COVID-19, even if asymptomatic, by visiting a testing site listed on the “Stop the Spread” webpage, where free testing is being offered at locations in New Bedford.