The entire Massachusetts Congressional delegation is comprised of Democrats. Not a single member of the GOP in the entire bunch.

The left wing of the Democratic Party is driving towards a bill in the House of Representatives that would call for the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. Massachusetts has some members already on the impeachment train, while others are still avoiding the matter.

Radical Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has put forward a bill to start the impeachment process in the House. She infamously told a crowd that she promised her young son that she was going to Washington to impeach the president. The ever pleasant representative specifically told the child she was "going to impeach the motherf-----!"

According to The Hill, Boston-based Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley "is also a co-sponsor of Tlaib's resolution.'

There's a lack of moral fortitude and fitness to even be in this office,” Pressley told Boston Public Radio. “I think what we have seen that is unredacted in this report relative to examples of obstruction of justice also gives us the legal grounds.”

Springfield Congressman Richard Neal is the Chairman of Ways and Means and he has used the unique power of his chairmanship to demand President Trump's personal tax returns.

Presidential candidate and North Shore Congressman Seth Moulton is also staking out a position on impeachment that will gain the Marine combat veteran some credibility with the hard left who will be voting in the presidential primaries.

The Hill reported he said: "I'm not calling for a vote on impeachment today. We don't have all the facts yet. But we should be getting those facts and making them transparent for the American people,” Moulton told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell.  

Elizabeth Warren, the senior Senator from Massachusetts, is also running for president and she is a vocal supporter of impeaching the President of the United States.

It remains to be seen what the rest of the Massachusetts delegation will do on impeachment and how their constituents will react if impeachment becomes the major focus of the Democrats, instead of jobs and infrastructure investment.

Chris McCarthy is the host of The Chris McCarthy Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @Chris_topher_Mc. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author. 

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