Dartmouth Official Discuss Buying Allendale Country Club
While most town boards haven't voted on the issue yet, many Dartmouth officials came out in support of buying the Allendale Country Club.
The Select Board, Board of Assessors, Conservation Commission, and Planning Board met at the Dartmouth Middle School Monday night to discuss buying the 150-acre property at half its assessed value, with only the Conservation Commission officially supporting it. Other boards will wait to meet again before voting for or against the idea.
According to Town Administrator David Cressman, Allendale officials have notified the town twice in the last 12 months of their intentions to sell the property, however legal issues have stopped the process.
The town has an opportunity to buy the land for around $3.2 million, with the assessed value being $5.8 million.
Selectman Shawn McDonald spoke in favor of the move, calling it a 'once-in-lifetime opportunity' to buy land in the center of town for such a low price.
However, the low cost for the town comes with a stipulation. The town would have to keep the property a golf course for at least 10 years, with an additional 5 year option. In that case, the town would lease the land to a management company to run the golf course until it can be used for other anything else.
Allendale representative Robert Finegold said the Allendale shareholders' goal is to keep golf at the location, with the condition of keeping a golf course on-site for 10 to 15 years being a major factor in the low asking price.
Cressman said part of the $3.2 million price tag also covers Allendale's debt.
Finegold said the Allendale group hasn't voted on selling the property yet, and will wait till receiving an offer from the town before deciding. He said if the town doesn't make a proposal, they plan to sell the property at its full $5.8 million value.
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