Change My Mind: Characters Who Deserve a Shot [VIDEO]
Wes had to sit out Episode 7, thus inserting Tim into the heart of the conversations with Nick.
They hit on the X-Men: Dark Phoenix trailer and Wolverine's role post-Hugh Jackman, the Hellboy trailers and the upcoming return of American Gods.
Nick hits on comics, including the ridiculous rumor about Marvel Comics. In place of Wes' "Stay Woke of the Week," Tim talks about his mind-blowing experience watching the Michael Jackson documentary Leaving Neverland.
Nick and Tim then hit on the main item: comic book characters and others who deserve their own show or movie.
They quickly touch on this week's 2-v-1 before Nick hits on The Last Kingdom.
Tim then expresses his concern about the upcoming Captain Marvel movie, which leads into a deep dive about the way writers discuss social issues in comics that then turns into Tim diagnosing Nick based on the comics he reads.