Chuck Berry, rock 'n' roll's founding guitar hero and storyteller who defined the music's joy and rebellion in such classics as "Johnny B. Goode," ''Sweet Little Sixteen" and "Roll Over Beethoven," died Saturday at his home west of St. Louis
WASHINGTON (AP) -- His presidential campaign in peril, Donald Trump left no doubt he'll spend the final weeks before the election dredging up decades-old sexual allegations against Hillary Clinton's husband, even if it turns off voters whose support he desperately needs
FRC robotics team 5846, the SouthCoast Corsairs, are raising funds so the team can head to St. Louis for the FIRST Robotics Competition where they will face off from teams around the world.
Police in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson are said to be considering bringing charges against Michael Brown's stepfather.
CNN is reporting authorities are looking to possibly indict him for inciting a riot following last week's grand jury decision...
Members of the controversial Westboro baptists Church are planning to protest outside the World Series games in St. Louis this weekend.
Church members say God has already punished the Red Sox and Cardinals fans with the Marathon bombings and the Joplin tornado in 2011...