The PBS show 'American Experience' has a documentary on the late U.S. Senator Joseph R. McCarthy and his crusade to uncover foreign influence in America.
We are just a few days into the year 2020 and there are already plenty of important news stories to follow. National news and local news are both busy in 2020.
Arlene Bynon and John LeBoutillier analyze the effects of Rep. Justin Amash becoming the first GOP congressman to advocate the impeachment of Donald Trump.
President Trump has granted a full pardon to an Army officer convicted of killing a terrorist. President Obama released an Army soldier who committed espionage.
The dozens of Democrats running for president have a constituency of one at this point in the race. They all must compete for the negative attention of Trump.
I recently came across a wonderful book on President Reagan in a used book shop. The book, "Reagan: A Life in Letters," is a collection of his personal letters.