
More Ideas To Stop Panhandling [Video]
More Ideas To Stop Panhandling [Video]
More Ideas To Stop Panhandling [Video]
While tackling crime in New Bedford is the purview of the police department, the City Council continues to wage war against a non-crime---Panhandling. Some councilors are urging cable access television and the City's Tourism and Marketing department to create public service message to have people not donate or give to the beggars...
Hodgson on Panhandling
Hodgson on Panhandling
Hodgson on Panhandling
The New Bedford City Council has been brainstorming on methods to decrease panhandling in the city. Thursday night, Council President Linda Morad presented the possibility of having deputies from the Bristol County Sheriff's Office stand beside people begging for money...
Let’s Make Them Pay [Video]
Let’s Make Them Pay [Video]
Let’s Make Them Pay [Video]
Street peddling is protected speech. Panhandling is a viable, hard-working job. Imagine sitting or standing for a few hours with a sign that reads, "Homeless, Need Help, God Bless." That's all it takes for a few panhandlers to make a wad of money...
A Plan B For The Panhandler Situation
A Plan B For The Panhandler Situation
A Plan B For The Panhandler Situation
When it comes to panhandlers, it may be time to institute a Plan B. We know New Bedford City Councilors continue to explore ways to get them off the streets. Since their Plan A has yet to pan out except for the panhandlers, here's my Plan B...
Panhandling Tough Problem
Panhandling Tough Problem
Panhandling Tough Problem
Mayor Jon Mitchell says there's no easy answers to getting panhandlers off the streets of New Bedford. Speaking on his weekly radio program on Wednesday, Mitchell said the courts have protected the First Amendment rights of panhandlers who ask for money...
Panhandler's Quarrel
Panhandler's Quarrel
Panhandler's Quarrel
New Bedford Police have arrested a homeless man after he allegedly stabbed a fellow panhandler. Det. Lt. John Chaves says police received a report around 7:30am Wednesday morning of two panhandlers fighting over territory at the intersection of Coggeshall Street and the I-195 on and off ramp...