Two people from Fall River were arrested and charged in a New Year's Day armed home invasion and robbery in which police say the suspects knew the victims.
Monday, New Years Day, will see those city officials elected last November, taking over the reigns of city government.
The Inauguration ceremonies will take place at 7pm at the Zeiterion Performing Arts Center.
Mayor Jon Mitchell will take the oath of office and start his fourth term as New Bedford's chief executive...
Start off the New Year by plunging into the icy cold waters of Fairhaven’s Fort Phoenix State Beach at the South end of Green Street at 10am.
This year, the fourth annual “Freezin' For A Reason Polar Plunge” will take place at Mattapoisett Town Beach on New Year’s Day at 12pm.
I'm finally at that age where my Facebook newsfeed is filled with "She said 'yes' photos." Between Christmas Eve and Day, I could scroll through the social network and ogle beautiful rings and read proposal stories for hours. Facebook released a new study that claimed that the "average age at engagement on Facebook is 24, and 30% of engaged couples got engaged in November and Decemb