The Fair Share Amendment Is a Pile of Garbage [OPINION]The Fair Share Amendment Is a Pile of Garbage [OPINION]Massachusetts' Supreme Judicial Court has already struck it down as unconstitutional, so the crooks on Bacon Hill are attempting to change the constitution.Barry RichardBarry Richard
OPINION|Barry Richard: No Millionaires Tax Means You Pay MoreOPINION|Barry Richard: No Millionaires Tax Means You Pay MoreDemocrats on Beacon Hill may need to raise taxes without the millionaires tax.Barry RichardBarry Richard
PHIL-OSOPHY: Supreme Judicial Court Handed the People a WinPHIL-OSOPHY: Supreme Judicial Court Handed the People a WinThe Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court delivered a major defeat to organized labor and progressive ideology.Phil PaleologosPhil Paleologos
OPINION|Barry Richard: MA Voters Say Tax Rich, Hike Minimum WageOPINION|Barry Richard: MA Voters Say Tax Rich, Hike Minimum WageA poll indicates support for a higher minimum wage in Massachusetts, and higher taxes for the rich.Barry RichardBarry Richard
OPINION|Lawmakers Must Side With Small BusinessOPINION|Lawmakers Must Side With Small BusinessState lawmakers are paralyzed by fear of special interest groups.Barry RichardBarry Richard
Small Business Storms Beacon HillSmall Business Storms Beacon HillSmall business owners are demanding relief from crippling state regulations on Beacon Hill.Barry RichardBarry Richard