New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell responded to a letter sent to him by New Bedford Police Union President Hank Turgeon asking for Chief Joseph Cordeiro's removal.
The feud between City Councilor Brian Gomes and businessman Michael Panagakos looks to some like an October Surprise calculated to impact the election.
City Council President Cliff Ponte has penned a letter asking Mayor Jasiel Correia to step aside, and will have the Council vote on the matter tomorrow.
If you want to terminate the contract we can do so. If you try and terminate alleging my client is at fault we will sue for millions of dollars in damages.
NEW BEDFORD — In a letter today to ABC Disposal, the City of New Bedford put the company on notice that it is in violation of its contract with the City to collect residents’ trash and recycling, and threatened action unless the company complies...
Two things occurred to me when I read this explosive op-ed piece in the New York Times written by an anonymous person claiming to be in Trump's administration.