Sarah Palin is the star of a proposed daytime courtroom show.
The former Alaskan governor and GOP vice-presidential candidate has signed a deal with a Montana-based production company to get a pilot episode filmed.
The producer behind shows like "Judge Judy" and "Judge Joe Brown" is already attached to the project...
About ten percent of recent college graduates think Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court.
"Judge" Judy Sheindlin may handle small-time court disputes on daytime television, but "Supreme Court Justice" isn't listed on her résumé.
The findings were presented in a poll released this month, among other lapses in recent graduates' patriotic knowledge...
So you've always wanted to be an actor, who hasn't secretly wished they were in the movies or on television? Most of us dream of hitting it big, we forget about the struggling actors who never get their chance, well, these actors have hit it out of the park when it comes to making the big bucks when it comes to their careers...
I don't usually get too political here but this 'Judge Judy' video sums up exactly what I feel is wrong with the welfare and aid system in this country.